Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Here's a picture of Mom and me. I was two and she was 25. Some of the people who attended her funeral service did remember her from back then. I can't say that I remember her from when she was 25, but I do remember that when I was in elementary school, whenever we had parents visitation day at school, she was always the cutest mom there.
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Mom died the day before yesterday. Here are a couple of pictures of her on a family cruise we took about a year ago. In the top picture, where we're all wearing the cruise T shirts, she's on the left next to Carolyn. In the bottom picture she's right up front in the center. In my next blog entry, I'll put up a picture of her from about 63 years ago because she was concerned about how she'd look, and how people would remember her. Actually, she looked really good for an 88 year old lady. These two pictures are four generatio pictures. The show her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
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