Saturday, December 6, 2008

Playing the cancer card: Cut this card out, paste it on a cardboard backing, and use it whenever you think it'll do you some good--that is, if you have cancer.

Cancer Card


The bearer of this card is a

CANCER patient.


Please extend all due courtesies

and emoluments (whatever emoluments are)

Our grand-daughter, Naomi, playing in the park.
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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Progress report on our auto trip from Branson Missouri to Los Angeles. I photographed a snow capped mountain inside the city limits of Flagstaff, AZ. Then I photographed two world famous tourist traps in Seligman, AZ.
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Monday, November 3, 2008

Here's her foot sticking out the end of the cast.
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Sunday, November 2, 2008

OK, here's a little glitch in the second honeymoon road trip. The top picture is the ER entrance to Skaggs Community Hospital in Branson, MO. Why, you may ask, did I take that picture? Well, the second picture is Carolyn's ankles. You'll note that the left ankle looks a bit different from the right. The third picture is the X-ray of her left ankle. Even those of you out there who aren't accustomed to looking at X-rays will note that it doesn't look right. The bottom picture is the same ankle after the orthopedic surgeon at Skaggs Hospital put the bones back in place and put in enough hardware to keep them in place while they heal. Carolyn is not supposed to put weight on her left ankle for a month.
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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall colors in Branson, Missouri on November first.
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Folk art in Lucas, Kansas.
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The Sternberg Museum in Hays, Kansas. Quite a nice museum. If you're ever in Hays, or passing through on I-70, I recommend it.
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Carolyn and me as Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley at the Fick Museum in Oakley, Kansas. As far as I can tell, Annie Oakley never actually visited Oakley, Kansas, and the town isn't named after her.
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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween
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Main St. in Oakley, KS. It's been emptied out because the local high school had an away game, and everyone who might have otherwise been on Main St. at six in the evening, went to the game. Carolyn and I are staying at the Annie Oakley Motel, but, according to the local librarian, Annie Oakley never had anything to do with the name of this town.
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No, your eyes do not decieve you, and this isn't photoshopped. That's a genuine very large copy of a Van Gogh painting of sunflowers in front of the Pizza Hut and next to the Beef Jerky place in Goodland, KS. The other thing they have in Goodland is the High Plains Museum where they have thousands of items that used to belong to the pioneers who settled in Kansas including a large model of the first helicopter in Kansas. The model has moving parts, for those of you who like helicopter models with moving parts.
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Amusing tower in Genoa, CO. This was built by the old geezer in the picture with the knife stuck through his hand. My definition of "old geezer" is someone of the male persuasion who's my age or older. Anyway, he stocked it with all kinds of stuff. Many of the items are unable to be identified by someone younger than the geezer in the picture. You can see a bunch of the things he has on sale in the second picture. The top picture shows the tower. The old guy says you can see six or seven states from the top floor. Unfortunately, they don't paint the states in contrasting colors. I'll have to write an email to someone in charge of painting the states when I figure out who that is. The bottom picture shows Carolyn holding some bones. Each is a baculum from a walrus. I leave it as an exercise for the perspicacious student to find out where on the walrus the baculum is located.
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

After we came down from Pikes Peak, we went the the nearby "Garden of the Gods". In the interest if clarity of nomenclature, I intend to send an email to whoever is in charge of naming this place suggesting a name change to "Garden of Amusingly Shaped Rocks." You're probably thinking, right now, "Henry is way too easily amused." My contention is that being easily amused is actually a good thing...
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Photos from the top of Pikes Peak. They told us how many states we could see from the top on a clear day, which this was, but I forget the actual number. So I took pictures in four directions, I leave it as an exercise for the perspicacious student to count the states you can see in the pictures.
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