Thursday, October 30, 2008

Amusing tower in Genoa, CO. This was built by the old geezer in the picture with the knife stuck through his hand. My definition of "old geezer" is someone of the male persuasion who's my age or older. Anyway, he stocked it with all kinds of stuff. Many of the items are unable to be identified by someone younger than the geezer in the picture. You can see a bunch of the things he has on sale in the second picture. The top picture shows the tower. The old guy says you can see six or seven states from the top floor. Unfortunately, they don't paint the states in contrasting colors. I'll have to write an email to someone in charge of painting the states when I figure out who that is. The bottom picture shows Carolyn holding some bones. Each is a baculum from a walrus. I leave it as an exercise for the perspicacious student to find out where on the walrus the baculum is located.
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