Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Love Poem to my Wife

My latest poem written at my cancer/writing support group:

A Poem Without Rhyme or Meter
To My Wife

Henry Farkas

It's difficult for me to talk
with you about:
Nuclear physics, art history, quantum mechanics and
The use of the pluperfect tense in La Peste by Albert Camus
Because I don't know much about those subjects

Other than that they exist.
It's not so difficult for me to talk with you about:
My thoughts, my hopes,
My dreams and feelings.

My cancer.
You mentioned recently that
You didn't think I'd ever had an unexpressed thought.
That's probably correct.
Why would I waste all the mental effort
Of thinking up the thoughts
By not expressing them?
But, at times, as much as an hour goes by
Between the thought
And the expression.

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